Photography, Life, Diary, Work, Travel

2008年6月18日 星期三

Firefox 3 Released

As of now Firefox 3 has been downloaded 7569070, and it hasn't been out for more than 24 hours yet.

Firefox has been my primary Application of Choice, and why firefox is so great, You can Google it :>
Why I like it? Gosh! the Addon Capabilities is just Amazing, I think one day firefox will Act as a Operating System on it's own, Flash Plays, Video, Music and All kinds of Fun Graphics Stuff
Ajax is Application, that do all the Java Capable
Tab Browsing, GreaseMonkey, StumbleUpOn, Quick TransLation, Adblock Plus, CustomizeGoogle, Video Download Helper, DownThemAll, FastDail, IE Tab, WebDeveloper, FireBug, ForecastFox,



Joe Chiang is a Web Developer, Linux System Administrator works in Hsinchu, He spend his time doing Cycling, Basketball, Reading, Photography When he is not at work doing Programming Python, SQL, Linux System Administering.